2024.12.09 The recording of the University of Tokyo Metaverse School of Engineering Junior Lecture, held online on November 7, has been made available on YouTube.
2024.11.26 A feature article about the 3rd Symposium of Project CHANGE, scheduled to be held on December 13, has been published.
(11/25) The Chemical Daily Page 6
「プロジェクトCHANGE第3回シンポジウム12月13日に開催 次世代創薬モダリティ索引」
2024.11.11 An article about the Consortium Kickoff Symposium held on September 26 has been published.
(11/07) Yomiuri Shimbun Kawasaki Edition Page 23
「医療、介護現場と企業連携 川崎で発足 技術や機器開発目指す」
(11/08) The Chemical Daily Page 8
「健康長寿社会実現・ケアイノベーション創出へ iCONM、コンソーシアム発足シンポジウム開催」
(11/18) NIKKEI
(11/23) NIKKEI Tokyo Edition Page 33
「医療・介護現場の課題解決 技術・サービス開発へ観察・対話・実証」
2024.9.28 The article has been published about Professor Ichiki's participation in an event at BioAsia, which he attended at the invitation of Taipei Tech at the end of July.
▶ 工商時報、▶ 台湾英文新聞、▶ PR newswire、▶ Yahoo Finance、▶ Asahi Shimbun Digital Magazine &[and] 、▶ Sankei News、▶ iza!、▶ TBS NEWS、▶ Toyokeizai education×ICT、▶ JIJI.COM、▶ JIJI Medical、▶ BIGLOBE、▶ PR TIMES、▶ STRAIGHT PRESS、▶ Newsweek Japan、▶ 3rd News、▶ @press、▶ Sanspo
2024.8.12-8.18 Professor Ichiki appeared in the "Feature: SWITCH!" segment of MyYou!, a local information program produced by YOU TV, a cable TV station serving Yokohama's Tsurumi, Kanagawa, and parts of Kohoku Wards, as well as Kawasaki's Kawasaki and Saiwai Wards. He shared the vision of Project CHANGE during the broadcast.
Special feature SWITCH! Video link
2024.3.15 The second episode of Professor Ichiki's talk has been released on the podcast Science Lover.
Spotify https://open.spotify.com/episode/4kmvwbkAvl7DUv3KXb1tKD?si=S1m3SNTqQZ24NfmcCynGeQ
2024.3.8 The first episode of Professor Ichiki's talk has been released on the podcast Science Lover.
【サイエンスラバー】#46ゲスト:一木隆範さん(東京大学工学系研究科) | 一般社団法人LeaL
★おたよりフォーム開設しました!★ こちらからお便りお待ちしています! サイエンスラバー公式Xアカウント:@scilover_radio サイエンスラバー公式YouTubeチャンネル:こ…
Spotify https://open.spotify.com/episode/3Ut28ZPRYocucVNNE2LoMX?si=7ed1585e4c544486
2024.1.4 Prof. Ichiki appeared on Kawasaki FM's radio program "New Year's Greeting Card with Voice" to share his thoughts on the CHANGE Project. The personality (photo left) was Mr. Tetsuya Sato.
2023.11.28 An article titled "Care Innovation to Create New Businesses (part 2) Super-aging Society Supported by Technology" appeared on page 5 of the Chemical Daily.
2023.11.27 An article titled "Researchers of the University of Tokyo distinguish nanoparticle shapes in liquids using deep learning" was published in the Chemical Daily on page 5.
2023.10.31 An article titled "Making Innovations in Nursing from Kawasaki: Takanori Ichiki, a Shining Person" was published in the Nikkei Financial.
2023.10.25 Press release titled "Non-Deep-Layer Learning Solves Longstanding Problem in Nanoparticle Evaluation - Identifying Nanoparticle Shapes from Brownian Motion Trajectories-"was issued and featured in Nikkei Electronic Edition、TECH+(Mynavi News)、EurekAlert、research-er.jp(日本の研究.com), Nanowerk、PHYS.ORG、MIRAGE NEWS、AZO NANO.com、Metro Americas、Daily Kiran、STARDRIVE、Maaz Tips、innovations report
2023.08.01 An article titled "Kawasaki City Nursing Association collaborates with engineering to develop equipment and technology" was published in the Kanagawa edition of Nikkei Finance.
2023.06.19 Prof. Ichiki was featured in a dialogue article "Satoshi Umemura's Meet the Man" in LOHAS Medical (Vol. 165, Summer 2023).
2023.06.09 An article titled "Talking about the Future of In-Home Nursing" appeared in the Kanagawa Prefecture edition of the Yomiuri Shimbun's morning edition regarding a lecture on in-home nursing held at Kawasaki City High School for Science and Technology in March.
2023.05.22 Nikkei Biotech ONLINE published an article titled ""CHANGE," an R&D project following "COINS" in Kawasaki City, has been launched.
2023.04.01 An article titled "Organizational Management Requires Communication Across Fields" appeared in the April 2023 issue of Sangyo-Joho Kawasaki.
2023.3.31 An article titled "Project CHANGE, Prospects for Sensing Technology and Other Technologies" was featured in the Chemical Daily.
2023.1.6 Medical Note's article "Medical x Engineering x Nursing to lead people to a long and healthy life - Aiming to create care technology that anyone can easily use (Yahoo! News)" has been published.
▼ Manseiki.com
▼ Medical Note News & Journal
2023.1.4 Professor Ichiki appeared on Kawasaki FM's radio program "New Year's greeting card with voice" to share his thoughts on the CHANGE Project at the beginning of the year.
2022.8.14 An article titled "Nano-Medical Innovation / From iCONM part 3. Recommendations for "Nursing-care Engineering" that goes beyond "nursing care" to care for people before and after illness" was published in "Ronza" of Asahi Shimbun newspaper.
2021.9.22 NewsWeek Japan (9/28) published a feature article on "Advanced Medical Technology for Early Detection and Diagnosis of Diseases".
2021.9.10 The Chemical Daily published an article titled "Professor Ichiki's New Technology for Detecting MicroRNAs for Early Diagnosis of Cancer.
2021.8.26 Professor Ichiki appeared on Kawasaki FM's "Kawasaki Hot☆Studio". He introduced the development of future diagnostic technologies being developed at the Innovation Center of Nanomedicine.
2021.1.8 The Chemical Daily published an article titled "iXstream has Integrated Analysis of Exosomes. Particle size, surface, and genetic material" in the Chemical Daily. iXstream Inc. is a start-up company established to commercialize the R&D results of the Ichiki Laboratory.
2019.11.8 An article titled "Exosome Analysis, One by One" appeared in the Nikkei Business Daily, introducing the research results published in the American scientific journal "PLOS ONE".
2017.1.30 Professor Ichi's interview article has been released at WEB magazine "Telescope Magazine" No. 13 that looks at the possibilities of the state-of-the-art technology released by Tokyo Electron and the future, special issue: "Aim for Overcoming Difficult Diseases". We are introducing the development research to miniaturize diagnostic equipment and the concept of new medical technology "body hospital".link